Chip & Crack Repair

On Wyoming roads, rock chips are inevitable. Don't ignore that small chip before it turns into something unrepairable.
Repairs for chips and cracks take no time at all to fix. ​
Most insurances waive the deductible for repairs. (Covering all or most of the price.)
windshield Repair Guarantee
During the windshield repair process, the technician injects special resin into the damaged part of the glass.
To achieve best repair results it is best when the damage is recent, impact is small, cracks around the impact are small and where there is no moisture or foreign material in the damaged area such as debris, wiper fluid or dust.​​
Know that not all cracks and damage to glass are repairable. If after our repair, the glass cracks, No Hassle Auto Glass is not liable for the cost of windshield replacement.
Our guarantee covers the repaired portion of the windshield against continued cracking, and warrants that the repair will pass any state vehicle inspection.
If more damage from the point of repair does occur, we will credit the cost of your repair toward a replacement performed by No Hassle Auto Glass.
If your insurance company paid for the repair, the insurance company may receive credit and you may still be responsible for any deductible if you choose to replace the windshield. This warranty applies for as long as you own or lease the vehicle and is not transferable. No other warranty, neither express nor implied, applies.
In some cases, through no fault of the repair technician, during the repair process, the damaged area may become larger and require a windshield replacement. These instances are not covered by the warranty and No Hassle Auto Glass is not responsible for the cost of the windshield replacement or any additional damage. It is important to understand that when hiring No Hassle Auto Glass to repair broken glass, our goal is to make it better, but perfect results are not always obtained due to the nature of auto glass.